are you in?

Dan here.

The stars aligned this week…

I’m doing something new — something I’ve never done…

And It’s hands-down the best offer I’ve ever made on my favorite part of my business.

After helping thousands of people across the globe increase productivity, gain more accomplishment, and fulfill more freedom…

Understand, whatever it is that you need, you can get it from this.

Like the VP for one of the biggest companies in the world…

(Who prefers to remain anonymous…but think Fortune 500 type.)

She was struggling with knowing what her next move should be.

And I helped her get crystal-clear on the exact next steps for her career, life, and family.

It was cool.

They benefit. The company benefits. And I benefit. It was cool.

And that’s what I love about this.

You get anything you want…

Gaining crystal-clear clarity.

Developing tried-and-trued business strategy.

Or creating a profitable game plan to finish the year strong.

Because this isn’t a course, program, or workshop.

It’s much more intimate, beneficial, and profitable...

Not just for me, or you…

…but rather everyone involved — including your business, partners, or employees.

As long as it’s legal, this limited 1:1 coaching and consulting offer will get whatever you need most right now rolling in the right direction.

What’s the offer?

Well, extra space opened up on my calendar this week…

So two 1-hour spots on my calendar are available right now.

You’ll have 1 hour of my full, undivided attention to get whatever you want out of me.

Plus as a bonus…

I’ll be giving you a workshop (along with its templates and bonuses) that you need most right now.

So Instead of charging you my normal $5K upfront fee for 3 months…

You can get 1 hour of my time for just $500 (including the bonus).

Just writing that makes me feel like it’s the closest thing to a ‘Penny Pincher’s Paradise’ you can find from me…

And 2 people are going to be able to join me in paradise this week (that’s all the room I have on my calendar).

This is only open until Sunday night (8/25).

If you’re interested in doing this, here’s what you can do:

A) Click the link below to go to a Stripe Payment Link. Then I’ll email you so we can figure out a date that works for BOTH of us.

>>>Work with me 1:1 for a fraction of my normal price

B) Reply to this email if you have any questions and I’ll assist you from there.


P.S. The reasoning for me doing this is two-fold.

1) I love working 1:1 with people who actually DO the things I tell them to do… And they get to reap the benefits of those actions.

2) Summer is ending… And I know some of you will really benefit from some clarity, strategy, and gameplan right now.

Dan Silvestre

Performance coach helping leaders get the right things done with less effort than anything they've tried before. Get at least 5 hours/week back. Join 20K+ readers by entering your email address below!

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