She’s been WAITING 4 months for this (screenshots inside)

Last week, an email from a subscriber landed in my inbox.

For privacy's sake, we’ll call her Hannah.

“Hannah” was asking about a workshop I ran about 4 months ago, called Email Machine.

Great workshop.

The problem was she wanted to purchase it:

…and then it hit me.

I knew her name sounded familiar.

So I checked my archive, and sure enough…

Hannah had reached out to me before trying to get her hands on this workshop.

Check it out:

She missed out on this workshop months ago!

Her reason for missing out wasn’t that surprising either...

She said:

“I was—wait for it—behind in my emails and just now saw this!”

This didn’t surprise me for one reason…

Email is the Achilles’ heel for countless professionals, entrepreneurs, and intrapreneurs in 2024.

However, most of the time it’s not their fault.

One of two things causes of email-related problems:

#1) You were never taught how to properly manage your inbox (most likely reason).

#2) You were taught to manage your inbox by people who didn’t know how to do it properly themselves (the worst reason).

I fell into the category #1.

Luckily, one of my early managers had a simple rule:

Don’t fail at the basics.

It’s a good rule.

With my very own eyes, I’ve seen some of the very best fail at the basics…

…and when they do, everything crumbles around them.

So what did I do?


Refused to let email become my Achilles heel.

I studied some high-level colleagues around me — who were masters of email.

Fast-forward 10+ years…

I’ve developed a simple and time-tested email management system that gets me to Inbox Zero every day.

As for Hannah…

I told her she couldn’t buy the workshop:

Why? Because when you miss the window…you miss the window.

I won’t reopen the cart for anyone.


If you are reading this “Hannah” (you know who you are), firstly, I commend you for your persistence…

And I’ve got some great news for you…

Drumroll, please…

I’m running another email workshop.

However, this time around it’s NOT an email-organized-related workshop.

Instead, it’s an email-management-related workshop.

What does that mean?

Well, email organization is knowing where each and every email needs to go — and having a place for them.

Email management is having the skills and system to achieve Inbox Zero day in and day out.

See the difference?

This Inbox Zero system is so powerful for professionals, entrepreneurs, and intrapreneurs it should be criminal.

Thankfully, it’s not.

You can get it right now — along with loads of valuable bonuses — for the price of a mediocre dinner and drinks for two.


The first 10 people who buy a ticket are getting a special bonus video training:

It’s called — The GTD Email on Gmail.

Where I take the ordinary inbox of my amazing girlfriend, Eva…and clean, organize, and achieve Inbox Zero.

I’ve never done this before…

…but for this workshop, I’m rewarding the people who act with speed and confidence.

Why? Because those are my best clients.

The only question is are you one of them?

>>>Click here to check out Inbox Zero

By the way, I’m not doing another email workshop for the rest of 2024.

Who knows when (or if) I’ll do one in 2025?

Anyway, hope to see you inside.


P.S. — Hannah has been waiting 4 months for this…

Almost as if her eyes have been darting to the door every few seconds as she waits for someone important…

Just imagine how much more productive and free her life would have been in those four months…

If she had a simple, proven system working in her corner?

I’d say infinitely.

Don’t be like Hannah, and miss out (again).

>>>Grab a ticket to Inbox Zero while you still have the chance

Dan Silvestre

Performance coach helping leaders get the right things done with less effort than anything they've tried before. Get at least 5 hours/week back. Join 20K+ readers by entering your email address below!

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