
Over 1,000 years ago…

Around 900 AD…

There was a form of torture and execution commonly practiced in China and Vietnam called Lingchi.

It was banned only as recently as 1905.

What exactly is it?

Well, when you translate “Lingchi” you find various translations, like…

The slow process…

The lingering death…

Slow slicing…

Or the more commonly known nickname, “Death by a Thousand Cuts.”

The name is self-explanatory.

So why am I telling you this?

Your email inbox is no different from this form of torture.

It’s never a big batch of emails that hit you at once that ruin your email…

…it’s always the emails and messages that sneak through the cracks that hurt you.

Now, here’s the reality of email…

The way most people use email — including the people who taught you how to use email — is completely broken.

These people treat email like Lucille Ball treats chocolate in that classic episode of I Love Lucy:

So many emails are being fed to them on a conveyor belt that they simply can’t handle it.

“Death by a Thousand Cuts” functions on the same principle.

Small…but consistent…and painful.

If you don’t have a proven system that “catches” all the small emails falling through the cracks…

You’ve got a slow, steady, and painful awakening ahead of you.

Eventually, you will miss another important deadline or email.

Until you encounter the one that knocks you down and causes problems in your work.

That’s the last thing I want for you.

In fact, if I could, just like this form of torture…

I’d ban the way most people approach email.

That’s because you don’t deserve the overwhelm and frustration that you’re facing with email right now.

It’s torture.

That’s precisely why I’m inviting you to join me this Monday, September 16 @ 10:00 AM (EST)…

You’ll be able to stand over my shoulder as I clean my 500+ email inbox live on camera…

So you can not only discover a proven, simple system for achieving Inbox Zero daily…

…but watch this system live and in action.

Also — if you show up live, you will have a chance for me to choose you at random to clean your inbox to zero.

(Don’t worry, if you are not comfortable showing your email, I won’t pick you.)

However, no matter what…

You will be able to get my help cleaning your inbox during Q&A time.

On top of that, the first 10 buyers of this workshop get exclusive free training:

It’s called — The GTD Email on Gmail.

Where I take the ordinary inbox of my lovely girlfriend, Eva…and clean, organize, and achieve Inbox Zero.

Act with speed and confidence, and I will reward you.

Some professionals and entrepreneurs have already grabbed tickets, so your chance to get the free bonus is diminishing.

>>>Click here to end the torture of your email inbox forever


P.S. — One of the best bonuses you’ll get with this ticket is the “78 plug-and-play canned email templates.”

You can finally just copy and paste this canned (and effective) email response — and save yourself hours of time.

This is especially valuable for slow writers and readers.

>>>Click here to grab your ticket now

Dan Silvestre

Performance coach helping leaders get the right things done with less effort than anything they've tried before. Get at least 5 hours/week back. Join 20K+ readers by entering your email address below!

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