If I had to start over with email, here’s exactly what I’d do…

God forbid, I wake up tomorrow morning…

Sit down at my desk, open my computer…

Only to find my entire email system wiped clean, forcing me to start from scratch…

…but let’s play devil’s advocate today.

Here’s exactly what I’d do:

Emails — of all kinds — would be flooding my inbox immediately.

My inbox would transform into the Wild West.

Or like a Best Buy crowd on Black Friday.

Complete chaos.

I’d realistically have 500+ emails in my inbox, mocking me like the ice cream stain on my sweatpants.

However, I can guarantee that within 20 minutes flat I’d be at Inbox Zero.

How? Let me explain…

First things first, I’d identify my goals:

* Spend the least amount of time in my inbox (currently that’s 45 minutes a week).

* Implement the most effective system possible (simple is better).

Then, I’d take action on a simple 3-step plan:

1) Implement 5 steps that have proven, time and again, to achieve Inbox Zero.

2) Follow the 7 rules that force you to maintain Inbox Zero every single day.

3) Execute and reap the rewards (most important step).

Running through this 3-step action plan would guarantee that I have Inbox Zero in 20 minutes…

Not just today...but every day.

How do I know this?

My reasonings are two-fold:

A) I follow this system personally — and I’m on Inbox Zero daily, 7 days a week.

B) Hundreds of my private clients follow this system — and they’re on Inbox Zero daily.

The system is simple and proven to work.

Just how I like things.

And if I were a betting man, I’d say you like things that way too.

If I’m right, you’re in luck…

I’m teaching this exact “Inbox Zero” system on Monday, September 16 @ 10:00 AM (EST).

…but 10x more in-depth.

Yet, here’s something you might find wildly intriguing about this…

My inbox actually is submerged and drowning in 500+ emails.

I’ve been letting it collect since August.

This way, you’ll be able to stand over my shoulder live on Zoom, and watch me clean my 500+ overflowing email to Inbox Zero in 20 minutes.

That’s right…

I’ll be demonstrating the machine-like power of this system live, so you can watch everything unfold (and swipe it for yourself).

Believe it or not…you’ll have a chance for me to clean your inbox personally too.

I’ll be picking someone at random who shows up live.

This is your personal invitation.

I’m excited to run this.

>>>Click here to grab a ticket

See you inside


P.S. — The first 10 buyers of this workshop get a special bonus training 100% free:

It’s called — The GTD Email on Gmail.

Where I take the ordinary inbox of my lovely girlfriend, Eva…and clean, organize, and achieve Inbox Zero.

My best clients execute with speed and confidence.

Are you one of them?

>>>Get your free bonus now

Dan Silvestre

Performance coach helping leaders get the right things done with less effort than anything they've tried before. Get at least 5 hours/week back. Join 20K+ readers by entering your email address below!

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