
Dan Silvestre

Performance coach helping leaders get the right things done with less effort than anything they've tried before. Get at least 5 hours/week back. Join 20K+ readers by entering your email address below!

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I’ve always been skeptical of this…

I’ve always been skeptical of the one-size-fits-all solution. Especially when they come wrapped without an explanation. When I see those on the market the hair on the back of my neck sticks up. See, I’ve been writing and learning about productivity for the better part of the last decade… If there were a one-size-fits-all solution to productivity and workflow — I would’ve found it. That’s why I love this Bruce Lee quote: “Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is...

Every big achievement starts with a small win. A small step forward. You’re never too far from success if you keep moving — even if it’s inch by inch. You achieve your goals by winning those small, everyday battles. You decide to wake up early. You decide to focus on your priorities. You decide to learn. To grow. To improve. That’s the power of small wins. …and they add up over time. Without focusing on the small win…and only focusing on your long-term goals…life would be incredibly dull and...

I should be more shocked… …but I’m not. A new report from Resume Now polled 1,000 workers across the U.S., U.K., France and Germany. Here’s the conclusion that came to: A staggering 66% of workers say they have work-related regrets. They were as follows: 1. Not asking for a pay increase — 60% 2. Not prioritizing work-life balance — 59% 3. Staying at a job too long — 58% 4. Not negotiation salary for a new job — 58% I don’t know if you can relate to any of these or not… …but I wish I was more...

I'm going live in 2 hours where you can get my help implementing the workshop you bought. It's free. Come ask a question and leave with a solution. Link to join us here. Or join directly here Dan

Tomorrow I'll host a free Ask-Me-Anything to thank all workshop customers. That means you. The goal? Implement the workshop you purchased. Let's get you clear on the small details. Or the big questions. Get feedback on your plan or let's craft a new one. We get together. We talk problems. You leave with a solution. 10 AM EST tomorrow. Click this link to add it to your calendar. Or join directly tomorrow at 10 AM EST here: Dan

Yesterday I said something that sounded bad. I told you my favorite part and least favorite part about my business was the people…aka you. If you haven’t read that email, you ought to now. The reason I said that is because, for every success story I have, there’s a painful problem that used to stand behind them. A lot of people are still fighting those problems today — and it gets ugly. But on more of a go-happy tone today… I’d like to share some of my favorite coaching stories throughout the...

You're getting this email because you purchased a workshop. And to thank you, This Wednesday I'll host an Ask-Me-Anything only for workshop customers. The goal is to get help implementing the workshop you purchased. Get unstuck setting up your 90-Day Sprint. Your Minimalist Productivity System or Managing Multiple Projects... Anything in between or anything on your mind. Fun. Optional. Helpful. 10AM EST. Add it to your calendar by clicking this link. Or join directly on Wednesday at 10 AM EST...

7. Just 7. …is the total number of habits I’ve found among highly productive professionals. I’m revealing those habits tomorrow…during my workshop…which closes in 7 hours. The workshop is happening on Monday, July 22nd @ 10:00 AM EST. Don’t fret if you can’t make that date. You’ll be sent the recording, along with a bunch of bonuses (you can find those on the checkout page). Once that timer expires, this will be gone forever. This is an asset I’m building for my Elite Performers because I...

I was lucky enough to go on holiday with my family earlier this month. We traveled to Cuba for a handful of days. Beautiful country. Not-so-beautiful economy (but that’s a story for another day). However, something happened when we got to Cuba. I was so tired from traveling that ended up falling asleep without brushing my teeth. (Stick with me, this is relevant.) Obviously isn’t too big of a deal. …but I couldn’t help thinking of the importance of the habit of brushing your teeth every single...

Heads up… Your chance to get a ticket for my workshop expires soon. I’m particularly excited about this — The 7 Habits of Highly Productive Professionals Workshop. Why? It’s simple. The information I’ll be teaching you has been massively impactful for my clients and myself…and in turn…can be for you. If you’re ready to grab your ticket, click the link below: Before I close down the cart I wanted to answer some questions you might have about the...