Torpedoes and airplanes

Torpedoes and airplanes.

Understanding this one thing they have in common skyrockets your productivity almost immediately.

What is it?

Besides the fact that they’re made out of metal…

They’re “off course” 90% of the time.

Their job is to course-correct.

You choose a target (or end destination) for them and they drive at high speeds toward it.

…but they’re never fully “on-target.”

The entire way they’re on the way to the destination…

A system is running in the background, constantly correcting them when they fall off course (which happens a lot).

If you ask me, people are no different.

We choose a goal.

We drive toward that goal.

And we fail our way to that goal.

We take the wrong step. Hire the wrong person. Prioritize the wrong project.

...and we course-correct accordingly.

You fail, course correct, and eventually find yourself at the end destination.

Speaking from decades of experience helping people improve their productivity and workflow…

Nothing speeds up the process of arriving at your end destination like avoiding “wrong turns” — and course-correcting immediately.


Because the longer you’ve been heading in the wrong direction…

The longer you’ve been “off course”…

The longer it will take to get back “on-target.”

See what I mean?

Can you feel the power in simply avoiding wrong turns in the first place?

And being able to correct your course the second you’ve fallen off track?

Imagine how much easier it would be to hit all your targets and goals when you’re not sprinting in the wrong direction.

That’s what I love about the Elite Performers Community.

You have two assets that are doing the course correcting for you.

What are the two assets?

  1. The tailor-made productivity machine — built for you, custom to your life, workflow, and goals.
  2. My brain, experience, and time — available for you anytime, anywhere, for anything.

Having these two assets in your corner is like having top-level technology built into your torpedo and airplane…


Having a high-level pilot or operator running the controls and course correcting in the background…

…but for your life, work, and goals.

Having access to these means you will almost certainly accomplish all your goals.

The good news is the Elite Performers Community has 5 spots available this month…

The bad news is after this the price will increase…

Whatever price you get in at is the price you’ll be locked in with for life.

If you want to apply, reply with “Target” and we’ll get you sorted out.


Dan Silvestre

Performance coach helping leaders get the right things done with less effort than anything they've tried before. Get at least 5 hours/week back. Join 20K+ readers by entering your email address below!

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