banana cramps

I’m chugging down some water and eating a banana right now.


In 10 minutes, I’m starting my run — a long one today.

I’ve got some half-marathons and full marathons coming up, so I’m focusing on my training…

The last thing I want is a cramp.

Anyway, I’ve got to run soon (no pun intended)…

This is your last reminder about my Inbox Zero Workshop happening tomorrow.

Here’s everything you’ll get:

  • 78 plug-and-play canned email templates (perfect for slow writers)
  • The Inbox Zero Workflow Guide
  • My help cleaning your inbox during Q&A time
  • The recording

People have emailed me multiple emails saying they missed out on my past email workshops.

Some have been waiting for 4 months.

You don’t want to miss this.

Count down to 2024-09-16T14:00:00.000Z

>>>Inbox Zero Tickets


P.S. — FAQ:

Question: Who is Inbox Zero for?

Inbox Zero is for entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, and professionals fighting the good fight.

The ones who are doing the work daily, but constantly being held down by email.

Not only will this system annihilate any possibility of email holding you back…

…but it will give you back the power when it comes to managing your inbox

Question: What’s Inbox Zero Actually Going To Do For You?

This is easy.

At the end of every day, if this system is applied, you can expect one thing: Your Inbox on zero.

Putting the power back in your hands.

Forcing all anxiety, overwhelm, and frustration to seemingly vanish from your relationship with email.

Question: How Long Will This Workshop Take?

First, I’ll have my 500+ overflowing inbox to zero in 20 minutes.

Then, I will teach you my system for another 20-30 minutes.

Finally, it will be Q&A time which will go on for another 10-20 minutes.

In total? About an hour long.

Question: When Is This Workshop Taking Place?

Monday, September 16 @ 10:00 AM (EST)

On Zoom.

Question: What If You Can’t Make The Date?

Do not fret.

You will be sent an email including the recording once we have wrapped up the workshop.

Then you can go back and watch this whenever you want, at whatever speed you want.

I personally recommend you go back and revisit this once a year to refresh your memory.

Question: How Will You Access The Zoom Call and Bonuses?

Good question.

As soon as you buy a ticket, I’ll email you.

Inside the email you will find 2 things:

  • Your Zoom link where you can join the workshop
  • Your Bonuses

Once the workshop is done, you will get another email including the recording.

Question: Is There A Guarantee?

Of course.

Although only 2 people ever used it…I have an Ironclad 100% money-back guarantee.

So if you buy a ticket, and get zero value out of it, email me and I’ll fully refund your money.

No questions asked.

>>>Grab your ticket before this offer expires

Dan Silvestre

Performance coach helping leaders get the right things done with less effort than anything they've tried before. Get at least 5 hours/week back. Join 20K+ readers by entering your email address below!

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