Stop thinking big, think small

I used to think creating an online course was like giving birth to a child.

You’d spend the next 9 months with nausea, and then deliver it with pain.

(Sorry to put that graphic image in your head on a Monday!)

That certainly was the case with the 2nd course I ever created — Zero to Done.

I wanted to deliver my “manifesto” on productivity.

A complete A to Z solution for productivity.

Everything I knew about the topic.

It took me weeks to outline… gather all the information… design slides… write scripts… and record all the content.

It was one of (if not the) hardest things I’ve ever done.

…and it was a big mistake.

Fortunately, it led me to discover a little-known secret about course creation.

You’ll learn about this in just a moment.

First, you need some background.

You see, for the last 10 years I’ve been busy…

Busy creating and delivering hundreds of courses and workshops on productivity.

From big topics, like creating a productivity system and building a digital brain…

…to smaller niche topics, like getting to Inbox Zero or planning your next 90 days.

The point is, I’ve tried and tested it all.

Everything — there is no stone left unturned.

And along the journey, I discovered something “Beginner Dan” simply could have never known…

What is it?

Your future students don’t want to know everything about your expertise…

They want a simple step-by-step solution to a single specific problem they have.

Like gaining control over email…

Or the best way to plan their next quarter…

Or handling multiple projects…

In other words, one specific solution to a particular problem.

Stop thinking big, think small.

If you’re a professional, entrepreneur, or intrapreneur trying to scale your “side hustle income”…

Or for those of you who already have a side hustle flowing, but need to optimize and scale your process…

Or maybe you haven’t even begun yet, but you’re dying to get your feet wet by monetizing your skills…

This Monday, September 23rd, something is happening you won’t want to miss.

You’ll have the opportunity to learn the exact step-by-step roadmap I use to go from idea to delivery in just 7 days.

That’s right.

You can go from the valley of despair “idea stage” to a cash-flowing course in just 7 days.

It’s a simple 7 day process where we’ll go through one stage every day.

Everything is in small, bite-sized, actionable steps that anyone with skills and expertise (which you do have) will find success with.

Plus, if you’re one of the first 10 buyers you’ll get special treatment…

Email and Loom coaching — custom for you. (Normally, I charge $5K upfront for my 1:1 coaching.)

You’ll tell me your idea, and I’ll send you a Loom video fine-tuning it to ensure it’ll put cash in your pocket.

Click the link below to get all the details.

>>>Stop thinking big, think small


P.S. — Tomorrow, I’ll share the biggest lesson I’ve learned from creating hundreds of courses and products. You won’t want to miss it.

Dan Silvestre

Performance coach helping leaders get the right things done with less effort than anything they've tried before. Get at least 5 hours/week back. Join 20K+ readers by entering your email address below!

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