Small wins

Every big achievement starts with a small win.

A small step forward.

You’re never too far from success if you keep moving — even if it’s inch by inch.

You achieve your goals by winning those small, everyday battles.

You decide to wake up early.

You decide to focus on your priorities.

You decide to learn. To grow. To improve.

That’s the power of small wins.

…and they add up over time.

Without focusing on the small win…and only focusing on your long-term goals…life would be incredibly dull and depressing.

Besides this valuable framework (that you should apply to your life)…

Why am I sharing this with you?

Because every day you have the chance to secure a small win…

Or you can stay where you are…

You can even move backward…

…but you always have the opportunity to secure a small win.

There are no insignicant wins.

Every win counts — and each one builds on the last.

When I was in the process of quitting my job and building my dream business, small wins were really important to me.

If I wrote that day, it was a win.

If I read that day, it was a win.

If I saved money that day, it was a win.

Without those small wins, I don’t know if I could’ve escaped the long exhausting hours that I hated.

Every day I made sure to move closer to my goal.

You ought to do the same.

Yes, they are small…but they are profound — they’re the real difference-makers.


P.S. On Monday, July 29th, I’m opening up 5 spots for ambitious professionals into Elite Performers.

We’ll build you a productivity system that boosts your income by 20% while slicing your work hours in half.

If you’d like to apply and get the details, reply to this email with “SMALL WINS” and I’ll fill you in.

Dan Silvestre

Performance coach helping leaders get the right things done with less effort than anything they've tried before. Get at least 5 hours/week back. Join 20K+ readers by entering your email address below!

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