Productivity Pocket

Quick question…

How would your life change if you had a productivity professional in your pocket?

Someone who has already ‘been there, done that’

And achieved exactly what you want to achieve in the most important areas of life?

Shrink rays don’t exist (yet).

…but I’ve got the next best thing.

I can be in your “pocket.”

If you have one hour a week…

I’ll personally get you a 20% boost in your income by building you a minimalistic productivity machine while chopping your work hours in half — within 90 days.


You can apply to join my Elite Performers Community.

Every week on our coaching calls, you’ll be able to ask me anything you want…

And inside the community, you’ll be able to ask me (and the other members) anything you want…

Plus, inside the workshop (which you’ll get free access to), you’ll be able to ask me anything you want…

It’ll basically be like I’m “in your pocket.”

Each step of the way, I’m there…while you work toward getting the life and workflow you want.

Maybe this isn’t quite as good as a shrink-ray gun.

…but it’s still incredibly valuable for your freedom, success, and productivity.

If you’re a business owner or ambitious professional, you’ll find this especially valuable.

The good news is, I’ve opened up 5 spots inside the community.

You can apply today.

Simply push the reply button on this email with “pocket.”


Dan Silvestre

Performance coach helping leaders get the right things done with less effort than anything they've tried before. Get at least 5 hours/week back. Join 20K+ readers by entering your email address below!

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