Shocking study about work-related regrets

​​I should be more shocked…

…but I’m not.

A new report from Resume Now polled 1,000 workers across the U.S., U.K., France and Germany.

Here’s the conclusion that came to:

A staggering 66% of workers say they have work-related regrets.

They were as follows:

1. Not asking for a pay increase — 60%

2. Not prioritizing work-life balance — 59%

3. Staying at a job too long — 58%

4. Not negotiation salary for a new job — 58%

I don’t know if you can relate to any of these or not…

…but I wish I was more surprised to hear this

Because I work with high-level professionals on a weekly, daily, monthly basis…and this makes complete sense to me.

Why? Because it’s easy.

It’s easy to let your professional life push you around.

Letting things happen to you is a lot easier than being the change that happens.

The surprising thing about taking action — and being the change that happens — is how rewarding it is.

When you quit your job and start up your dream business, you overflow with joy…

When you create the right work-life boundaries, you (and your partner) swell with love…

When you get the value you deserve in your organization (financially or emotionally or intellectually), you sink into fulfillment…

Here’s my question to you — what’s that one thing?

That one thing you know you should do, that you could do, that if you did do…would make your life a whole lot better.

Whatever that may be for you, do it.

Don’t push it off.

Take action on it today — even if it’s the smallest of actions like sending an email.

Just do it. (sorry didn’t mean to steal the Nike quote there, I couldn’t help myself)

When you do your one thing, let me about it.

Until then, enjoy your Wednesday.


P.S. Elite Performers is all about this — getting you what you want, how you want it.

And this Monday, July 29th I’m opening the doors for 5 ambitious professionals to apply to join.


You can hear the details before anyone else by clicking reply with “I WANT IT” to this email and I’ll fill you in.

Dan Silvestre

Performance coach helping leaders get the right things done with less effort than anything they've tried before. Get at least 5 hours/week back. Join 20K+ readers by entering your email address below!

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