If I had to start from scratch with productivity, here’s exactly what I’d do…

If I accidentally parked on a burial ground that cursed me…

…and I was forced to start from scratch with productivity, here’s exactly what I’d do:

It would be a simple, minimalistic approach.

Because when you’re starting from Day 0…

You don’t have the luxury of playing around with fancy new innovative productivity hacks or strategies.

You stick to the basics.

Because basics get you results — that is, when you’ve got them down.

If you’ve been following me for a while now you know I always keep things minimalistic and simple.

A huge mistake I see in most people’s productivity is that it’s too complex because they’re trying to get too fancy.

Complexity steers you away from execution.

So If I were starting from scratch…

I’d build a minimalist productivity machine 100% tailored toward my resources, responsibilities, and goals.

And this machine would have one sole purpose…

Consciously do the work for me by weeding out the tasks I shouldn’t be doing…

Leaving only one thing:

Execution on the things that matter most.

When I imagine achieving anything, from building a business to scaling an organization...

And not having a productivity machine in my corner...

It’s the equivalent of playing padel (a sport I play competitively…it’s sort of like tennis) with one hand tied behind my back.

Yeah…you could probably still pull it off…but what’s the point?

You’re only holding yourself back.

Having a minimalistic productivity machine working alongside you is the ultimate productivity strategy for building a life of accomplishment AND freedom.

Thankfully, I never parked on a burial ground and I’m not cursed.

But for the better part of the past decade…

I’ve been studying and practicing productivity, only to come to this conclusion:

Simple. Wins. Every. Time.

And I’ve built minimalistic machines for hundreds of professionals, entrepreneurs, and parents.

I love it. It works.

I know it’s making a real, needle-moving difference in their lives.

This is exactly why every Elite Performer gets a productivity machine built for (and with) them.

It’s how we’re all crushing it inside the community.

Our machines are doing all the hard, boring, petty work — while we simply execute.

The community has a handful of spots available right now…and we’re looking to bring in some new professionals.

This is a great time to join because this is the last time you’ll be able to get in with the original price.

After this, the price rises.

…but if you get in today, you’ll be locked in at the original price forever.

Make sense?


You can apply today and potentially experience for yourself the unstoppable power of having a productivity machine in your corner.

Reply to this email with “CURSED.”


Dan Silvestre

Performance coach helping leaders get the right things done with less effort than anything they've tried before. Get at least 5 hours/week back. Join 20K+ readers by entering your email address below!

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