[Workshop Customers Only] Ask Me Anything

You're getting this email because you purchased a workshop.

And to thank you,

This Wednesday I'll host an Ask-Me-Anything only for workshop customers.

The goal is to get help implementing the workshop you purchased.

Get unstuck setting up your 90-Day Sprint.

Your Minimalist Productivity System or Managing Multiple Projects...

Anything in between or anything on your mind.

Fun. Optional. Helpful.


Add it to your calendar by clicking this link.

Or join directly on Wednesday at 10 AM EST here:


Yours in productivity,

Dan "AMA" Silvestre

Dan Silvestre

Performance coach helping leaders get the right things done with less effort than anything they've tried before. Get at least 5 hours/week back. Join 20K+ readers by entering your email address below!

Read more from Dan Silvestre

Who am I? That is a question I’ve been wrestling with recently. Not from a philosophical perspective. More so…who am I to you? Am I just some random guy in your inbox? Your go-to productivity strategist? Or something totally different… Like your favorite Portuguese friend? I didn’t know. Until I asked a professional turned business owner inside the Elite Performer Community — Stephen. And what he said surprised me… Stephen views me not just as a static person. Rather as someone who wears...

If I accidentally parked on a burial ground that cursed me… …and I was forced to start from scratch with productivity, here’s exactly what I’d do: It would be a simple, minimalistic approach. Because when you’re starting from Day 0… You don’t have the luxury of playing around with fancy new innovative productivity hacks or strategies. You stick to the basics. Because basics get you results — that is, when you’ve got them down. If you’ve been following me for a while now you know I always keep...

This will be a short one. You may or may not know this, but… The Elite Performer Community is risk-free. 100%. There isn’t a single contract involved. Everyone who is inside wants to be inside… And is benefiting from being inside by getting real results. So you can join today…test it out for seven days…and decide that it isn’t the right fit for you. You won’t get charged again, and won’t get hit with any hidden fees. Plus, you’ll have gotten a peek into The Elite Performers Vault which...