Want to work with me 1:1? (trying something new)

I just got back from a beach holiday at Madeira…

…and before I get down into full-focus mode again...

I've got some space on my calendar.

So I’ve decided to try something new.

What am I doing?

Offering 2 people one valuable hour of my time this week.

(If you have zero interest in working with me 1:1…you can skip this email.)

I’ve never done this before — but it will be the best offer I’ve ever made on my 1:1 coaching and consulting services.


There have been some high-level people I’ve worked with 1:1 in the past…and everyone seems to really benefit from it.

So I thought this might be helpful.

One example that comes to mind is a VP of one of the biggest companies in the world — think Fortune 500 type.

She was struggling with knowing what her next move should be.

And I helped her get crystal-clear on the exact next steps for her career, life, and family.

It was cool.

They benefit. The company benefits. And I benefit.

A true win-win-win.

And a CEO of a small company that was struggling with getting more clients and growth.

Together, we crafted a simple execution plan for the next 90 days.


The company got more clients than they could handle and he had to hire more people to handle the workload.

Great for them, fun for me, clients got top-notch treatment.


That’s why I’d like to do something similar again.

So here’s the deal…

Normally, I charge $5K upfront for 3 months of my 1:1 coaching and consulting.

However this week you can schedule a 1-hour Zoom call with me for a fraction of the price…

$500 for 1 hour.

This will be available for 2 people only.

And will expire on Sunday night (8/25).

Plus, I’m adding a little bonus to the mix…

After our call is wrapped up, and you’ve got the business strategy you need…

The clarity you need so you know you’re doing the right thing at the right time…

Or the exact game plan you need to finish Q3 and Q4 of this year strongly and profitably…

I’ll give you access to the workshop that I think will benefit you the most. Including all the bonuses and templates that go along with that workshop.

This is a big value.

And if you’re the right fit for this, it’s an absolute no-brainer.

It’s like finding water in the desert—exactly what you need when you need it most.

The reasoning for me doing this is two-fold.

1) I love working 1:1 with people who actually DO the things I tell them to do… And they get to reap the benefits of those actions.

2) Summer is ending… And I know some of you will really benefit from some clarity, strategy, and gameplan right now.

If you’re interested in doing this, here’s what you can do:

A) Click the link below to go to a Stripe Payment Link. Then I’ll email you so we can figure out a date that works for BOTH of us.

>>>Click here to work with me 1:1 for a fraction of my normal price

B) Reply to this email if you have any questions and I’ll assist you from there.

That’s all for today.


P.S. Without the extra space on my calendar this week, this wouldn’t be happening. There’s no telling when this will happen again. If you’re interested, get in on this now.

P.P.S. You can book now and schedule the call for later. Whatever works best. But you can't get the call after this deal expires this Sunday.

Dan Silvestre

Performance coach helping leaders get the right things done with less effort than anything they've tried before. Get at least 5 hours/week back. Join 20K+ readers by entering your email address below!

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