My favorite stories…

Yesterday I said something that sounded bad.

I told you my favorite part and least favorite part about my business was the people…aka you.

If you haven’t read that email, you ought to now.

The reason I said that is because, for every success story I have, there’s a painful problem that used to stand behind them.

A lot of people are still fighting those problems today — and it gets ugly.

But on more of a go-happy tone today…

I’d like to share some of my favorite coaching stories throughout the years.

Maybe this will inspire you to get up and get after what you want in life.

Here we go:

  • Sam was able to get his working week from 60-70 hours to less than 50 hours. Now he spends more time with his 2 kids doing all sorts of fun projects and trips.
  • SM went from a ping pong ball bouncing between the office and home demands to having enough time for work and family — without being anxiety-ridden to the core.
  • While coaching Stephan he decided he wanted a career change. With my help, he was able to quit his job and start the business he’s been dreaming of for years.
  • A manager at a larger company, Alicia, was finally able to stop drowning in emails and confidence calls. She now gets her “real work” done and has more time to pursue projects she’s been postponing — like taking pottery classes.
  • University professor, Alex, who loves surfing…but wasn’t hitting the waves as much as he’d like to…now surfs every day and has more energy than ever.
  • CTO/CFO for a big-time medical company, Sommer, wanted more help spending time with her kids. Together we were able to cut out more time for her family life — what mattered most to her.
  • A manager at a larger company, Alicia, was finally able to stop drowning in emails and confidence calls. She now gets her “real work” done and has more time to pursue meaningful projects she’s been postponing — like taking pottery classes.
  • CTO of a big company, Nicole, wasn’t spending enough time with her two sons. We made a few adjustments, and now she has enough time to spend with her kids — and no longer feels “always behind” on her obligations.
  • Sofia feared being the “workaholic who misses living the richest part of life.” She now makes her own goals the central part of her life — learning how to restore old furniture and redoing her garage (her kitchen is next).
  • Scott was burning the candle on both ends…having a full-time job AND launching a new business. Together we made a few small changes, and he was able to find enough time for full focus to work IN the business — and switch to 100% on his job afterward.
  • Front-end engineer and programming teacher, Michele, who loves to bike with friends couldn’t remember the last time she did. She now bikes with her friends 3x a week. On top of that, she’s been working on a new book that has been on the back burner for years.

These are a handful of my favorite client success stories… among the hundreds I’ve collected over the years.

You should take ONE thing away from this — and it’s very important:

Every single one of those people above was, at one point, where you could be right now…

Unhappy with how things currently are, stressed out, and unsure what to do about it.

Guess what?

They turned their entire life around — creating the lifestyle they wanted most…unique to them.

If they can do it…you can do it.

Get up.

Get after it.


P.S. I’m opening up Elite Performers at Monday, July 29th — for the first time in a month. If you want to hear about the details before anyone else, reply to this email with “SUCCESS” and I’ll fill you in.

Dan Silvestre

Performance coach helping leaders get the right things done with less effort than anything they've tried before. Get at least 5 hours/week back. Join 20K+ readers by entering your email address below!

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