Did you have any questions?

Heads up…

Your chance to get a ticket for my workshop expires soon.

I’m particularly excited about this — The 7 Habits of Highly Productive Professionals Workshop.

Why? It’s simple.

The information I’ll be teaching you has been massively impactful for my clients and myself…and in turn…can be for you.

If you’re ready to grab your ticket, click the link below:


Before I close down the cart I wanted to answer some questions you might have about the workshop.

Sound good?

Let’s dive into them…

Who is this for?

You can be a bootstrapped entrepreneur…


Or an executive/manager…

These 7 habits are designed to skyrocket your professional productivity and success — in the long term and short term.

I’ve worked with a wide array of professionals and I’m confident these habits will help you.

But if you feel like you might be an exception, reply to this email and I’ll give you my honest opinion.

What’s this going to do for you?

You’re going to discover what the 7 most important habits you can implement into your work life are.

On top of that…how to implement these habits into your own life — in the best way possible.

Why am I hosting this workshop?

My private coaching group, Elite Performers, would greatly benefit from this information.

I figured you might too. That’s why I’m extending you an invitation.

You can expect the same treatment. Only without having to pony up the weekly fee they pay.

What’s Included in The 7 Habits of Highly Productive Professionals?

#1 — A 1 hour video training (recording of workshop).

  • Shows you a breakdown of what the 7 Habits are. How to use all the templates. And the action steps behind everything.
  • This (almost) guarantees my week is good and productive. This video training lays everything out in a simple step by step format.

#2 — Atomic Packet Template.

  • How to avoid missing needle-moving tasks and projects like a vampire does sunlight? Use this template to take big scary projects and boil them down into small actionable steps.
  • Deciding what to do — especially in the heat of the moment — can be a burning burden. This template allows you to prioritize projects and tasks ahead of time in a calm relaxed state…instead of being blown out of the water coming Monday morning.

#3 — Delegation Matrix Template.

  • The hardest skill for new leaders to get right (in my opinion) is delegation — and man, is it important. Get it wrong? You’re worse off than where you started. Get it right? A vast ocean of possibilities can open up for you. This template is your guiding hand in knowing when, what, who, and how to delegate.

#4 — Dream Week Template.

  • If it’s not on the calendar, it (likely) won’t get done. This template provides a simple and visual way to map out your weeks. You’re scheduling all your priorities — making sure they’re getting done.

#5 — Plus, Minus, Next Journaling Template.

  • This template Allows you to gain clarity on what worked, what didn’t, and what to do moving forward. I believe every productive system needs a “feedback loop” — this is exactly that in actionable form.

Are there any bonuses?

There is.

You’re getting a bonus Action Guide breaking down The 7 Habits of Highly Productive People Workshop.

This 24 page document shows you what the habits are. Why they are the most important habits for productive people. How they work. And what you need to do to cultivate them in your own life.

How long will this take?

The workshop is 1 hour long.

Once we’ve run through everything, you’ll get some Q&A time to ask any questions so that you leave with a crystal clear understanding.

When is this workshop happening?

Monday, July 22nd @ 10:00 AM EST

(7:00 AM PT)

(8:00 AM MT)

(9:00 AM CT)

What if I can’t make the date and time?

Don’t worry.

You’ll be sent the recording and everything included once the workshop is complete.

Allowing you to watch it whenever you’d like…or watch it again and again.

Will I offer this again?


This will be the only time you’ll be able to get on a live Zoom with me while I break down this valuable information — and ask any questions about it.

Can you buy the recording at a later date?

It’s possible, but not likely.

I’ve considered selling past workshop recordings as bonuses or bundles.

But I keep deciding against it because these are designed as assets for Elite Performers.

If you want this, you ought to get it now.

What makes this workshop different?

First off, these habits are specifically tailored to professionals.

You can find information on habits…but it’s a lot to find it tailored for a professional like you.

Second, these habits come from my direct experience.

Whether that’s working with hundreds of CEOs, entrepreneurs, executives, and managers (including a VP of one of the biggest companies in the world)… Or my own experience building businesses.

In other words, they are tried-and-trued.

How do I get access?

Once you buy a ticket I’ll send you an email with the Zoom link.

Then once the workshop is complete, you’ll also be emailed the recording, templates, and bonus.

What’s the investment?

I charge $5,000 for 1:1 coaching.

Since this is just one workshop, you can get a ticket for just $100.

Zero sneaky upsells. No ongoing subscriptions.

Is there a guarantee?

There is.

You’re protected by my “Full Money-Back Guarantee” (although only two people have wanted it).

If you don’t find it valuable. Just email me.

I’ll process a refund for you and send you back your money immediately.

What happens If I buy and I don’t get the Zoom link?

Email [email protected] and the issue will be solved practically immediately.

That’s everything.

This email was a bit longer.

Hopefully, all of your questions have been answered.

Heads up — this workshop starts Monday, July 22nd at 10:00 AM.

Right before the workshop starts, I’ll close down the checkout page.

I’ll send you a reminder later to make sure you don’t accidentally miss the deadline.

The workshop starts on Monday so you ought to grab your ticket now.

Grab your ticket by clicking the link below:



P.S. Any more questions? Hit reply and email me. I’ll get right back to you. Cheers.

Dan Silvestre

Performance coach helping leaders get the right things done with less effort than anything they've tried before. Get at least 5 hours/week back. Join 20K+ readers by entering your email address below!

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