Did you brush your teeth this morning?

I was lucky enough to go on holiday with my family earlier this month.

We traveled to Cuba for a handful of days.

Beautiful country.

Not-so-beautiful economy (but that’s a story for another day).

However, something happened when we got to Cuba.

I was so tired from traveling that ended up falling asleep without brushing my teeth.

(Stick with me, this is relevant.)

Obviously isn’t too big of a deal.

…but I couldn’t help thinking of the importance of the habit of brushing your teeth every single day.

I like to think my teeth are fairly white (at least my dentist tells me I have nothing to worry about.

Here’s the thing — my teeth aren’t white because of luck.

I brush my teeth every day.

I go to the dentist for my regular checkups.

And if my dentist tells me I need a crown or anything like that, I get it done.

Bottom line: I’m giving myself the best possible chance of not only having white, healthy teeth…but keeping them.

Nobody ever wants yellow rotten teeth.

And we all know the risks involved with not going to the dentist or brushing your teeth.

Brushing your teeth just makes sense.

You won’t find yourself in your twilight years thinking “Man, I wish I hadn’t brushed my teeth all those years…”

There’s no real ‘cost’ in brushing your teeth.

Yet doing so protects you from a very painful visit to the dentist.

The catch is you have to brush your teeth, daily.

You can’t brush them once your teeth are already rotten and expect things to be okay.

Later on, I realized this is a great analogy for the habits of highly productive professionals.

Just like brushing your teeth every day protects you from rotten teeth. The right habits give you the opportunity for highly productive days and weeks — and for major success.

…but It’s important we take common-sense precautions ahead of time.

Everyone has the same rolling 24 hour clock…including your competitors.

It’s what you do with your time that matters.

It’s the habits you’re building.

That’s what drives high productivity and successful weeks and careers — your habits.

My question is: Are you brushing your teeth?

Today’s your last day to get a ticket to my workshop:

The 7 Habits of Highly Productive Professionals.

You’ll discover the exact habits I use to (almost) guarantee my week is productive and moves the needle forward.

You can get your ticket by clicking the link below:



Dan Silvestre

Performance coach helping leaders get the right things done with less effort than anything they've tried before. Get at least 5 hours/week back. Join 20K+ readers by entering your email address below!

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