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Dan Silvestre

Performance coach helping leaders get the right things done with less effort than anything they've tried before. Get at least 5 hours/week back. Join 20K+ readers by entering your email address below!

Read more from Dan Silvestre

Torpedoes and airplanes. Understanding this one thing they have in common skyrockets your productivity almost immediately. What is it? Besides the fact that they’re made out of metal… They’re “off course” 90% of the time. Their job is to course-correct. You choose a target (or end destination) for them and they drive at high speeds toward it. …but they’re never fully “on-target.” The entire way they’re on the way to the destination… A system is running in the background, constantly correcting...

Quick question… How would your life change if you had a productivity professional in your pocket? Someone who has already ‘been there, done that’… And achieved exactly what you want to achieve in the most important areas of life? Shrink rays don’t exist (yet). …but I’ve got the next best thing. I can be in your “pocket.” If you have one hour a week… I’ll personally get you a 20% boost in your income by building you a minimalistic productivity machine while chopping your work hours in half —...

Who am I? That is a question I’ve been wrestling with recently. Not from a philosophical perspective. More so…who am I to you? Am I just some random guy in your inbox? Your go-to productivity strategist? Or something totally different… Like your favorite Portuguese friend? I didn’t know. Until I asked a professional turned business owner inside the Elite Performer Community — Stephen. And what he said surprised me… Stephen views me not just as a static person. Rather as someone who wears...